Friday, April 23, 2010

Early to bed, early to rise...

Ben Franklin is attributed with the quote, "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man health, wealthy and wise". Well I don't know about the wealthy and wise, but I seem to be healthy enough. Ever since my early 30's, I have been getting up early in the morning (generally between 4 and 5 am). Once I awake, I very seldom can go back to sleep. I haven't used an alarm clock in years. If I need to get up earlier, I can tell myself before I go to sleep, and I will wake up at that time.
I love and enjoy the quiet of the early morning. To me there is nothing better than arising before the sun and watching the sunrise. I feel like I am privy to a world that no one else is aware of. I can relax, read, watch a movie or just prepare for the day, and know that I am ready to take on my life. Try it sometime... Unless you already are an experienced early riser, you don't know what your missing.

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